Team talents day
Our team talents day is a fun and meaningful team building activity.
This team talents day is a one-day workshop where workers get to know their personal talents and the talents of their team in a team context.
During the workshop, we reflect on the individual natural qualities and how these affect the mutual relationships in the team. We also zoom in on the strengths and weaknesses of the team in relation to the team functions and objectives. How do we deal with them as a team? A stimulating and enjoyable day.
In preparation, you fill in the online Talent Passport questionnaire individually. This gives you an objective and accurate view of your personal talents and the talents of the team. Everyone receives their personal Talent Passport which includes the team analysis results.
Several of our Talent Passport coaches are specialists in guiding teams. Contact them.
Note: You can choose to do an anonymous team analysis.
This creates a safe environment for all team members whilst maintaining the same clarity in the team insights.